

  • Describe what tests are and why they are essential
  • Explain what Test Driven Development is
  • Test Python code using doctests
  • Test Python code using assert
  • Explain what unit testing is
  • Write unit tests using the unittest module
  • Remove code duplication using before and after hooks

Why test?

Why test?

  • Reduce bugs in existing code
  • Ensure bugs that are fixed stay fixed
  • Ensure that new features don't break old ones
  • Ensure that cleaning up code doesn't introduce new bugs
  • Makes development more fun!

Test Driven Development

  • Development begins by writing tests
  • Once tests are written, write code to make tests pass
  • Once tests pass, a feature is considered complete

Red, Green, Refactor

  1. Red - Write a test that fails
  2. Green - Write the minimal amount of code necessary to make the test pass
  3. Refactor - Clean up the code, while ensuring that tests still pass



  • We can make simple assertions with the assert keyword
  • assert accepts an expression
  • Returns None if the expression is truthy
  • Raises an AssertionError if the expression is falsy
  • Accepts an optional error message as a second argument

Assertions Example

def add_positive_numbers(x, y):
    assert x > 0 and y > 0, "Both numbers must be positive!"
    return x + y

add_positive_numbers(1, 1) # 2
add_positive_numbers(1, -1) # AssertionError: Both numbers must be positive!

Assertions Warning

If a Python file is run with the -O flag, assertions will not be evaluated!

# Don't write code like this!

def do_something_bad(user):
    assert user.is_admin, "Only admins can do bad things!"
    return "Mua ha ha ha!"



  • We can write tests for functions inside of the docstring
  • Write code that looks like it's inside of a REPL

doctests Example

def add(x, y):
    """add together x and y

    >>> add(1, 2)

    >>> add(8, "hi")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Run these tests with:

python3 -m doctest -v YOUR_FILE_NAME.py

Test should fail at first - remember "Red, Green, Refactor"

Issues with doctests

  • Syntax is a little strange
  • Clutters up our function code
  • Lacks many features of larger testing tools
  • Tests can be brittle


Introduction to unittest

Unit testing

  • Test smallest parts of an application in isolation (e.g. units)
  • Good candidates for unit testing: individual classes, modules, or functions
  • Bad candidates for unit testing: an entire application, dependencies across several classes or modules


  • Python comes with a built-in module called unittest
  • You can write unit tests encapsulated as classes that inherit from unittest.TestCase
  • This inheritance gives you access to many assertion helpers that let you test the behavior of your functions
  • You can run tests by calling unittest.main()

unittest Example

import unittest
from activities import eat, nap

class ActivityTests(unittest.TestCase):

if __name__ == "__main__":
def eat(food, is_healthy):

def nap(num_hours):

Commenting Tests

class SomeTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def first_test(self):
        """testing a thing"""
        self.assertEqual(thing(), "something")

    def second_test(self):
        """testing another thing"""
        self.assertEqual(another_thing(), "something else")

To see comments, run

python NAME_OF_TEST_FILE.py -v
  • self.assertEqual(x, y)
  • self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
  • self.assertTrue(x)
  • self.assertFalse(x)
  • self.assertIsNone(x)
  • self.assertIsNotNone(x)
  • self.assertIn(x, y)
  • self.assertNotIn(x, y)
  • ...and more!

Types of Assertions

class SomeTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def testing_for_error(self):
        """testing for an error"""
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            l = [1,2,3]

Testing for Errors

Before and After Hooks

setUp and tearDown

  • For larger applications, you may want similar application state before running tests
  • setUp runs before each test method
  • tearDown runs after each test method
  • Common use cases: adding/removing data from a test database, creating instances of a class


class SomeTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # do setup here

    def test_first(self):
        # setUp runs before
        # tearDown runs after

    def test_second(self):
        # setUp runs before
        # tearDown runs after

    def tearDown(self):
        # do teardown here


  • Tests help streamline development and reduce bugs
  • You can start with tests if doing TDD / Red, Green, Refactor
  • You can perform simple checks with assert
  • You can test with doctests, but typically shouldn't
  • unittest is a feature-rich, OOP style testing library in Python
  • To reduce code duplication in tests, use before/after hooks!


Testing with unittest

By colt

Testing with unittest

  • 3,192